Your car is valuable to you. When you get locked out, don't call the police, or try to shove a hanger into the window frame. Let us handle the unlocking process for you. ProLock Locksmith LLC is fully licensed, insured, and bonded. We can get there and get you back in your car for a great price. Emergency lockout service is also available.
We offer fast, reliable service and competitive rates. We're a locally owned and operated company you can depend on for quality service every time you call.
We Handle All Vehicle Locking Needs
Don’t go to the dealer for new keys. Contact us first. We’ll save you a lot of money and our turnaround time is much faster. Put your trust in the locksmith team that has over 20 years of experience and is dedicated to your 100% satisfaction every time.
We begin by using the very best products in the market. Our tech team can match your keyless unit with the correct coding for your vehicle. We're your go-to source for smart keys including proximity and fob key programming services. We won't charge you an arm and a leg like some dealerships do.
Store Hours: Monday - Friday:
8:00 am - 6:00 pm; Saturday 9 - 1
Seven Days a Week Emergency Mobile Service Hours:
7:00 am - 11:00 pm
6508 Washington
Ocean Springs, Mississippi 39564